The world most loved casino games today

casino games today

See the list with the most popular and played casino games in Thaipokerleak, as well as in the world as whole. Find out if your top preferred gambling product is listed, too.

Have you ever wondered which casino game is the most played one on a global range? Do you know what the top pick-up for a gambling product in Asia is? The second question is an easy one. Thaipokerleak claims that Baccarat has been still the Asian audience’s most preferred choice. However, if we should talk about the entire planet’s gambling audience, the choice cannot be a single one, right?

Instead, we believe it would be more interesting for you to see the entire list. Here’s the list with the world most loved casino games today:

  1. Poker. Poker is the king, the say. And if you want to know who the king in poker is, it’s actually Texas Hold Em poker. Although poker isn’t the oldest casino game in the world, it’s still preferred not only by the professional punters, but even from novices and amateurs you will meet in college hostels.
  2. Roulette. Some people still believe that this is the oldest casino game. However, there are evidences for older games, because roulette wasn’t created so long time ago. As a matter of fact, you might be surprised to find out that roulette was created by the legendary mathematician Blaise Pascal. Of course, his intention wasn’t to make the first gambling generation in the world, but it was just a matter of scientific experiment.
  3. Slots. Do you know at least one internet casino where you cannot find any slot games? We don’t know any gambling websites where slots are forgotten. They are easy games. By easy, we mean that punters love them for the fact the slots can be learnt and understood fast. However, the big abundance of slots in betting houses shows that they are easy for the companies, too. The thing is that a slot game can be made for less time, resources and efforts rather than any other gaming software.
  4. Baccarat. In Asia and Thaipokerleak Baccarat is indeed one of the most preferred games of all times. But don’t get us wrong. Baccarat, as a matter of fact, has been out there on the global casino market for years. And don’t even think that if you are in Europe, you will not find it.

What about you? What’s your most beloved and favorite casino game? If it is not listed in the top casino names, please, don’t be shy, but instead, share with us your opinion. It would be interesting to know what contemporary punters like and tend to promote among their friends. Plus – your opinion can be the game changer!


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